
A Recap…

October 18, 2006

I meant to update some stuff ever since July but was interrupted halfway through it… That’s why it’s been quite awhile since my last update… Anyway, here’s a month by month recap of what happened during the last 4-5 months (not counting the ones that I already blogged about in the previous entry)… (Some stuff you probably already heard because of the news or because I already mentioned about it)

24th – Had the dao/duen catwalk thing at Major Rangsit and wasn’t all that impressive… Just walked around the whole building and show yourself in a few clothes. Alright, I don’t mind walking around the building in front of a crowd… But having to wear a god-damn-freaking-tight shirt??! You bet that I didn’t enjoy that… Still, at least that was only for one of the shirts… The others were pretty big and not so freaking small. Pretty glad that many of the Dental students showed up even though they had to practice the faculty cheer at uni in the morning. (By the way, on the previous night, the 23rd, we had to practice walking all the way till 1 AM. Really a nightmare…)

27th – Had the cheer competition where all first years from all the faculties have to compete by doing all these cheers, songs, and dances. Overall, it was pretty boring since we had to wait until it was our faculty’s turn to go up, which was almost near the end… But the funny thing was that our faculty put lipstick, eyeliner, and paint on all over our face and arms that we looked like a bunch of crazy people. We basically got the attention of all the other faculties XD.

30th – The final dao/duen show. Thank God it’s finally the end. After days of getting home late [stayed until 2:30 AM the night before the big show], it’s finally come to an end. To our delight, Ploy and I didn’t make the cut since if we did, we had to answer questions about love and relationships since that was the theme of this year’s show. We were actually high-fiving each other backstage when we found out while other people were a little disappointed. Still, Ploy got the “Favorite Dao” award given to her by the show committee and P’Peaz, our “nanny”, got the “Best Nanny” award. I guess you should feel proud saying, “Hey, I got the best nanny award!” Anyway, the Thaitanium + AB Normal performances were AWESOME [especially Thaitanium’s, which ended at around 1 or 2 AM]. Last but not least, to the Harrovians – sorry I wasn’t able to go to the Leavers’ Ball that day but I really couldn’t get out of this event and besides, how often do you get to go to a Thaitanium + AB Normal concert for FREE?? Don’t worry, I’ll go next year for YOUR ball ;).

8th – Went to the Harrow Speech Day to get a copy of The Lion and the Sixth Form’s Leavers’ Book. Had a great time meeting some people and getting to talk to them before I had to leave to go to the hospital. I was actually surprised that Mr. Wise & Mr. Herbert mentioned my name in there and had some pics of me in there [considering that I was practically non-existant in the last yearbook where the only pic of me was in the class photo]. Was quite disappointed that Mrs. Keys, who I learned English with last year and was in MUN with her this year, spelled my last name wrong, twice – once in the newsletter [which wasn’t that bad since it was quite similar to my last name, just missing four letters], and again in the Lion where she called me “Jason Koonigathra”. So what, now I’m Indian??

13th My BIRTHDAY! Finally turned 17 so people at uni will stop staring at me blankly when I tell that I’m still 16. Have to thank those who actually remembered – Tanya [who messaged me right at midnight on MSN – I didn’t even realize that it was a new day until she told me], Aom, Tan, Donut, and Pat [who called me all the way from Australia – thanks a lot man. You’re lucky I had a quick break when you called me or else I wouldn’t have been able to pick up the phone]. Also have to thank all my dental friends who sang happy birthday in the middle of class so loud that the chem teacher got confused at first. Lastly, thanks to Pia, Joon, Tae, Tom, Aire, Yaya, Ply, Gift, Net, Act, Wei, Petch, Pear, Praew, and Mont for buying me this really great present. Really appreciate it (this means that I’m gonna have to do a lot of payback :P).

14th – Finally finished the taping of the UChannel interview for the dao/duen contestants. It was really tiring (and annoying to a certain extent) since I had to keep on going back to do different things and add some more stuff for them… But finally finished it… After what, 4 weeks?!

-Had normal classes and got ready for the midterm exams, in which some were pretty good and some were a nightmare.


Miss Puerto Rico competed, won the Miss Universe title, and fainted right after the show… What a great start. Wanted Japan to get it but oh well…

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Dek Dent

June 23, 2006

Just some random thoughts that are going through my head right now while I wait for my friends to finish their English class so that we can go and eat lunch and learn Bio…

-Uni started and had some rub-nong [Welcoming the Freshmen] activities that weren’t as bad as the other faculties. All we had to do was dance around and sing songs – nothing like the big scandals last year with other universities, so don’t worry Tent!

-I learn at two buildings, the Science building and the International College [IC] building and have one class at each building at least once a day. This is a pain since both the two buildings are on two opposite sides in campus, which means that I have to take approximately a 10-minute walk just to get to each class. Really tiring, if you ask me. Yeah, I know there are song-taews that go around the school, but you have to wait for them for a long time. Besides, as someone said, “there’s nothing wrong with walking, it helps you to exercise!”. That’s easy for you to say if you have a car to take you around campus!

-My schedule isn’t all that bad. I have the whole morning off for Wednesdays and the whole morning + afternoon off on Fridays [still have to come to school in the evening for Bio though].

-Had to take an English Exemption exam just to see if we can just skip our English classes. I think everybody in the “Regular” schedule passed the exam. Got the highest score with Vikrum! So happy.

-ROTC starts next Wednesday already! That means that I won’t have the Wednesday mornings off. Darn it…

-Really digging the IC’s common room since it’s freaking cool, nice, and relaxing. And it’s really cold! Something that I like, lol.

-Really like the new Science building here since the facilities are really nice and the lab room is awesome.

-Not enjoying the Dao/Duen Competition since it means that we have to spend ages practicing how to dance afterschool and sometimes last until midnight. Hate it, hate it, hate it!

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About A Boy…

June 3, 2006

Just wanna get this survey Lynn tagged me with since November done with first. So read it and you might find out something about me that you never knew!

5 snacks I like to munch on:
1. Cookies & Cream Ice-Cream – the BEST ice-cream flavor.
2. Cheetos & Cheeseballs & Nachos – they’re just so cheesy and yummy…
3. Chocolate – anything chocolate actually, they’re all good…
4. Joe’s food – he makes the best brownies, cakes, cheesecakes, hamburgers, etc. He’s a future chef!
5. Fettucini Carbonara – I’m sure Pat, Ta, and Kitti will say the same thing too, haha…

5 bands whose songs I know all the words to [maybe not know all the words but that I really like]:
1. Greenday – especially their latest album – AWESOME!
2. Coldplay
3. Linkin Park – not their Collision Course with Jay-Z though.
4. Evanescence
5. Rooster – Their first album was superb.
6. U2 – Great band, great lyrics, great songs.
7. Fort Minor – Didn’t expect the album to be so good – especially “Where’d You Go” and “Kenji”.
8. Hanson – Yes, that’s probably because I’ve been bombarded with it since my childhood because of someone
[And sorry if I added a little more than 5, but I love music! – not the person, lol]

5 places I would run away to:
1. San Francisco – The weather’s great – not way hot like Thailand.
2. Paris – I just like the whole city-life thing… Plus the weather’s pretty good and it’s not cloudy and rainy like London. Might get confused with the language though.
3. Ireland – Because it’s so green like Byron. And the weather’s good there.
4. Phuket – The weather is much better than Bangkok and it’s not too crowded like the city here. Plus, it’s right by the sea… [Obviously since it’s an island]
5. Italy – The weather’s pretty good and it has so much interesting history to learn about.
[Seems like all my choices are related with the weather…]

5 things I’d do with $100 million:
1. Give some to charity.
2. Give part of it to my parents. I don’t know, maybe half??
3. Keep it in the bank for my descendants.
4. Invest it in a business with my friends [who’ll prob have their own businesses, too!]
5. I don’t know -_-‘… I’ll be glad if I just make $1 million!

5 biggest joys:
1. Taking pictures [especially candids, haha]
2. Traveling
3. MUN [Yeah, I’m such a dork]
4. Hanging out with my friends
5. Watching TV [in case you didn’t know, I’m a couch potato…]

5 bad habits:
1. Laziness – I’m a sloth!
2. I like to leave things till the last minute.
3. I like to “type” the words I’m saying or thinking even though there isn’t a keyboard… Must’ve been from the long nights of staying up on MSN during the summers of Grade 7 & 8.
4. Mumble – I mumble so much that people don’t know what I’m saying.
5. I can get seriously addicted to something [games and TV shows that is, not drugs/alcohol/or anything else] and can some time let out a long chain of curses when I’m losing – as seen with my behavior when I play “Puzzle Fighter” at school in the common room, right Harrovians?

5 things I say too much:
1. Crap – I just don’t seem to dare to say sh*t…
2. Gum – not as in bubble gum but as in “กำ”, a Thai word that is somewhat similar to “crap”.
3. Ai-Ha – a sort of more “polite” version of “ai hia”, a Thai word that is somewhat simialr to “you asshole”.
4. Great… [with a sarcastic tone, of course…]
5. Uhh…

5 things I would never be caught dead wearing:
1. A dress.
2. Make-up.
3. These. Never in my life will I wear the yellow stockings poor Malvolio wore in Twelfth Night [even though I had to wear it for my Year 11 English Class Drama performance – it was made out of yellow poster paper, of course].
4. My birthday suit.
5. And lastly, THIS. One thing that I always wondered: Why in God’s name is Superman wearing his underwear outside of his pants??? It just doesn’t make sense…

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A [Really Late] Quick Update on Term 2

June 3, 2006

This is months overdue, haha. Harrow’s term 3 is about to end in a month and I’m still talking about term 2. Anyway, this is just a short update on each of the events that happened during my second term at Harrow. Here’s just some links to the recently added albums in the Yahoo Photo Album.

Twelfth Night Production
Did the Twelfth Night play back in January and had a blast doing so. We did three plays in all and the second one was the best since it was in front of the whole secondary school and the audience was really into it. The first round was mainly Year 6 and 7s so they didn’t really get it and the third round was mainly adults… So maybe they didn’t find the jokes that funny… Anyway, Prang was an excellent Olivia, Kate did an awesome job playing a man and a woman, Chris was really great [especially in the fighting scene], and the Olivia Household [Trin, Jeeb, Kitti, and Raghav] were freaking funny! I wouldn’t mind doing the play ten more times! Anyway, g’luck doing Romeo and Juliet next year [especially Prang and Kitti who were casted as Juliet’s parents]. Click the pic below to go to the Twelfth Night album.

Byron House Camp 2006
Had to arrange the different teams with Bifern before we went to camp. After school, we took a two hour bus ride to Pathum Thani, the camp site, and it looked completely different from last year. Much nicer. Strange though that during the night, all the girls got bit by the mosquitoes while the guys barely got bitten! Anyway, my team [Green Team. Consisted of Winner, Natalee, Third, Adrian, Poy, Jam, Aim, Aom, and I.] lost the tug-of-war [but were able to eliminate Bifern’s team, haha!] but was one of the highest teams to score during the obstacle course rounds [thanks to Natalee and Jam who had great balancing skills and scored so many points for us]. So we tied with Bifern’s team [Orange] and so the team leader of each team, in this case, Bifern and I had to do paper-rock-scissor and I don’t know if it was a miracle but I beated her! Haha, odd since I always lose. So we were one of the highests. The next day we had the build-a-raft game and race and my team and Bifern’s team made it to the finals and will compete with another two teams from the other group in the afternoon. Later on we had the mountain bike ride and Aom did an excellent job leading the way while I looked after our teammates at the back. Then during the final raft race, we won! Haha, teamwork, eh? Pretty cool – Bifern was fuming by the way [:P]. Then when the final results came out… I guess it was intended… There was a tie. Between who? BIFERN AND ME AGAIN. [Mr. Wise let out a laugh at this point, haha] So we had to do another round of tug-of-war for the tie-breaker. Because we had one less person that Bifern’s team, we got to choose one person from other teams. So we chose Kong, whose team won the tug-of-war. Thank God for him, we beated the Orange team and the Green team became the winning team! Think the top four results was 4th – Kong’s White team, 3rd – Raghav’s Blue team, 2nd – Bifern’s Orange team [originally pink but they had no pink bandanas], and 1st – Aom and my GREEN TEAM! Haha, a good sign for Byron, eh? I think this House Camp was much better than last year’s. We also did some prank calls to Nun and Bifern that night since they didn’t have Gaf’s number. Haha, it was freaking funny. Weren’t able to fall asleep until 2 or 3 AM though because it was freaking hot. And we had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning! Anyway, click on the pic below to go to the House Camp album.

Sports Day 2006
This year’s Sports Day was sorta more entertaining than last year’s since Jeeb, Topsy, and the rest of the Suriyothai House managed the music list and turned on really fun songs to run to. Had a great [but tiring] day. The day before, Aom, Bifern, Raghav, Gaf, and I worked on the Byron sign [as seen below] and worked on the drinks and snacks list for our house. The next day, we had to carry the ice, drinks, and snacks all the way from the Dining Hall to the Sports Hall – not a short distance, you know. Anyway, Mr. Wise sprained his ankle the day before so Bifern and I had to work on getting all the kids to their track and field events. Not an easy thing to do since the kids were all over the field and we didn’t even know some of their names [yes, I know, really bad since you’re the house captain and should know their names]. Also did the 1500 m run since they weren’t able to send the list at the last minute, so yeah… I’m proud to say that I was third… to last that is, haha. Had to do the 200 m as well. Don’t ask about that. Anyway, all of the Byron students did an excellent job and really made an effort this year. Despite all the running around and shouting for the students to get to their events, I have to say that it was fun and better than just sitting around doing nothing like last year. Maybe I’ll go and help next year :P. Oh, and the final results…

6th Place: Suriyothai [Pretty odd since they have really good athletes]
5th Place: Sonakul [At least they didn’t beat Byron like last year]
4th Place: Churchill [Haha, Nithi was really frustrated!]
3rd Place: Byron [MUCH better than last year’s 5th. We were just 7 points behind Nehru!]
2nd Place: Nehru [I was sorta cheering for Nehru to beat Keller since Byron didn’t have a chance. But to find out that we were only 7 points behind Nehru… That’s just really sad…]
1st Place: Keller [Again… Starting to get sick of them getting first place at all the sporting events. Can somebody just BEAT them for once??]

So this year’s was much better and we totally improved… Wonder how next year’s will be… Click on the pic below to go to the Sports Day 2006 album.

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